This is our 2nd Anniversary
Can't express how much I love u, I need u, I care about u
You're my sunshine, moonlight, raindrops....everything!
You're the best one I ever had.
Hope our love will last forever..
As I wrote in the little note that I put on your pocket this morning
(u didnt know n just read it at the office when u realized there was something on your pocket, then u text me, u said that u're very happy, surprised n u really love me and happy being my husband) :
Happy Anniversary yaaa Nila dan suami,
semoga rumah tangganya menjadi samara (sakinah mawadah waromah)langgeng selamanya, selalu kompak, romantis teruuussss dan segera dikaruniai anak-anak yg lucu-lucu yaaa amiinnnn...
Sukaaa deh liat fotonya depan mesjid hehehe
Happy eniversi yaaa...
langgeng dan olweis rukun
iiiiiiih... romantis banget! hihihi, happy anniversary ya mbak.. mudah2an cepet dikasih dedek.. panjang jodohnya.. =))) im happy for you mbak
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