Gara2 Bang Daniel Sahuleka dateng bbrp waktu lalu, gw jadi buka2 koleksi kaset lama gw....dan ketemu The Best-nya beliau...Gw punya 2 kaset The Best-nya Bang Daniel...Hampir semua lagu2 yg ada di kaset itu gw suka banget. Soalnya jazz-nya ringan, masih gampang dinikmatin. Blom lagi suaranya yg Subhanallah..bening banget.... Like one of your songs...I ADORE YOU deh Bang Daniel...
Gile..ni kaset udah lama banget ada dlm box keramat gw....seneng juga liat2 lagi koleksi kaset2 gw yg kebanyakan peninggalan masa seblm masehi dulu...halah!
Jadinya udah bbrp waktu ini gw senandung lagu itu terus....dan satu kaset gw taro di mobil...biar di jalan tetep bisa dengerin
Nih..gw mo nyanyi dulu ya....ehem..ehem...tapi tak sebening suara Bang Daniel....beneran deh...jauuhh (haha...ya iyalahhhh...gak tau diri banget deh gw)....
You Make My World So Colorfull
Morning sun shines in our room
Now that gloom will back in two
Automn start just ‘day with a smile and last on my beautful love one
Whose lying besides me
You’re so far away in your sleep
Who can tell what dream you may dream
You dont know that i was drawing with my finger on your sweet young face
Makes a meaning words
Reff :
You make my world so colorful …
I’ve never had it to good my love,
I.. thank you for all the love u gave… to me… (2x)
Like a summer rises up
Like a grow you bring me near
And i kiss ur lips so sweet
Soft like a rain and
Gentle like a morning dew in may
Though they said that i was wrong
But thx god my will so strong..
But thx god my will so strong..
I got you in the palm of my hand
Baby they try to put me on
But I let they become (?! this part is scrambled?!)
Surprised to heard that I love .. ?
Back to reff*
gambar diambil dari sini
Cuooocok deh ah sama color yg gw buat hari ini..ngejreng..!!
Ho-oh Yi..koq bisa pas ya
Pas posting ttg itu pas lo bikinin blog gw colorfull!
Kalo gitu gw nyanyi buat lo nih..
"U make my blog so coclorfull..."
Hihihi..arigato yaaaa
wah sama, gw juga suka!!! tp kasetnya dah ga tau kemana ;_;(punya ortu ik) ditoko msh ada ga ya??
btw, kemaren pas dia pulkam ke indo ternyata barengan sama iparnya temen gw, dan mreka ternyata temenan... seandainya... (seandainya dikasih tiket gratis ke belanda, mimpi kali ye...)
Di toko sptnya masih ada Ncis..
kyknya kl gak salah dia kmrn release album the bestnya lagi deh..
Penggemar beratnya neh..buktinya masih punya koleksi2nya....hayoo..nyanyi bareng2 ya...yg kenceng dong..ngga papa suaranya ngga mirip yg poenting nyanyi...(asal di rumah aja lho..)hehe...
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